Here comes autumn!!
Happy Fun Time (the summer) shall soon be replaced by our prepartion for the colder months. A time of year that is gorgeous, no doubt, but holds with it, a certain ‘make or break’ reality. As we adjust from Action into the Big Prep, its important to keep our eye on the prize. Ironically so, the prize is not a big bowl of beer or even a high five from your super sexy hair dresser. The prize is the ability to flow with it all, seeing it for what it is and learning from each and every piece.
Daily practice is essential. We are responsible for creating our centre.
Check out the associated video: Carving Your Centre
As a teacher of meditation, Reiki, QiGong and Tai Chi, I continue to come across practitioners struggling more or less from similar mindsets. Conceptual learning, non-application, followed by frustrating non-results. Much of what I see in terms of people’s approach to health, are half-assed techniques. Signing up for classes, mentally setting aside time for training and then leaving it in that special place until next Tuesday is not going to cut the cake. Health concepts are intended to be applied to all facets of your life. This is how we learn to see our days for what they are and enjoy life more.
The basic idea here is very simple.
Are you practicing? How often? How rhythmic?
These are important questions that stop most in their tracks.
You can’t just think your way through this shit. You gotta do.