Peak Season

Good Day Everyone!!

This month I have a few bits of exciting info for you.

As some of you may know, I have been shooting a series of videos with my good friend, Gillian B. So far, we have put up 3 videos on YouTube.

You can check them out here:

What is Reiki?
What is Tai Chi?
What is Meditation All About?

My QiGong & Tai Chi classes on Saturdays at Prana Room have been moved back one hour. They are now scheduled for 12-1pm every Saturday. For more information on my weekly class schedule, please click here.

And last but not least, I am reposting an article I wrote a couple years back all about December. For most of us, its a hectic time of year. This piece is in response to how most of us behave in this chaotic month. If you have already read it, read it again – it’s dope.

The Victory Lap

All the best!!

QB Nation