QiGong Meditation Workshop

Trusting Nature aka The Qi Whisperer 

‘One of the main reasons we practice QiGong is to remember that we are Nature. Of course we know this as a fundamental, but oftentimes we forget.’ ~ Master Zhang Yu Fei

When we remain fixed in our heads, there is a disconnect. Not a literal disconnect just a conscious one. And in this disconnect with nature, we become disconnected within ourselves. 

Many of us suffer from a lack of trust, a lack of balance. And to make it worse, we are so bent on looking for the answers, that we are unable to hear them even as they are whispered into our ears. 

The layout of the workshop:

  • Meditation listening exercises based on QiGong and Zen methodologies
  • Daoist Theory on the Rhythms of Yin and Yang
  • Energetic tips on how to build a better relationship with your Nature

Sunday March 7 @ 10am via Zoom – 1.5 hours

$30 + HST payable by EMT to [email protected]