Denial, Shame and Man Stuff – Revisited

It’s been a few years now. November 30, 2019 to be exact. 

Some of you may even remember the ‘Denial, Shame and Man Stuff’ talk. It was a wild concept. One of my most difficult presentations to date. The idea in and of itself spoke to the pain I was in during that time. It felt good to give the talk, no doubt. I had fun being that open and honest. Surprisingly, I free-styled the entire set. But then when the talk was over, I closed up again. It was shitty. I felt maybe I said too much. I felt I didn’t say enough. 

I had, what they call in the biz, a ‘vulnerability hangover’. BigTime. Never really watched the clip. Couldn’t. So I just left it alone. 

I stumbled across the recording the other day in an effort to rid crap off my phone. Decided to have the sit down with myself. It brought back so many feelings. In a good way. And that is why, almost 3 years after the fact, I am posting the entire clip. Perhaps it’s even more relevant now than it was back then.

Thank you. 
