Discounts + More Classes

Adaptability is one of the main reasons why I practice. To initially struggle in a time like this, is natural. But ultimately, the aim is to adapt. 

We are now entering our second month of whateverthefuckyouwannacallit, and these next few months aren’t looking pretty. 

How has the last month been for you personally? What have you learned? 

We have a chance to make this month better than last month. We have a chance to make a lot of things better. 

New online classes are being added to the weekly schedule. Mondays @ 11am I will open a third QiGong & Tai Chi class. And every other Sunday at 9am, I will be offering an advanced class for my Tai Chi students. 

As well I’m offering a discount sale during these trying times:

  • 10 class packs for QiGong/Tai Chi priced at $100
  • Reiki sessions priced at $60
  • 15 class packs for Happy Hour only $50

Payable to [email protected] via EMT

And last but not least, 

Im hosting an Instagram Live talk on Wednesday the 15th at 7:30pm with Jhinell Raimondo – @jkraimo. In it we are gonna freestyle a convo on mental health and all the shit we are currently interested in. We always have good banter. Should be a lot of fun. Make sure and tune in, it’s free!!

Wishing you all well in this time of uncertainty. Thanks for reading.  
