Group Dum Dum

Having a voice has never been like this. Systematic vid clip culture forever dormant in data banks. Non-audience, non-viewer panel dissection committees. Witch-hunt Roundups 2022. This new ground we find ourselves on is judgemental AF. And the groupings shift, split and every once in awhile even reunite. 

I don’t like the idea of groups or sides. I don’t take comfort in the group. I find limitations and superficialities at the root of the construct. It’s a balance act really. We all our humans. Fair enough, that’s constitutes a grouping. But if that is how we focus our attention, then what are the other groups? How do we compare? And at what point, does it erroneously spawn Us vs Them? Labels sometimes make it easier to digest discomfort. See where I’m going with this?

2022 Consensus according to me:

Advanced tech, yes. 

Intelligent, yes. Well, somewhat. 

Emotional Maturity Level – Average Age 10.  

This is who we are as a grand populace. 

But I know there to be a better way. Or at least a way forward. 

Where we can respectfully converse with those whom openly disagree. Where we aren’t so quick to loose our shit. The idea is to be open to new ways of looking at the same. Even if means not really changing your mind. Why do we all have to agree on everything?

Be courageous. Say what you want to say. Do who you want to do. And if someone doesn’t like your act, tell them to keep walking. As long as you ain’t hurting anybody. No need to wish them any ill will. Just wish them to kindly fuck off. 

With Love and Affection