Kung Fu Monkey Workshop + more…

The Kung Fu Monkey Workshop: Saturday, December 4 @ 1pm

A Deep Dive into Monkey Style Kung Fu. Bad Ass and super fun, these crazy forms will get you in shape. 

Agility. Core. Spirit!!

Focus of the Session:

  • Circling Drills – External and Internal
  • Six Harmonies Balancing Concepts
  • The 2 Opposing Forces
  • Weighted but Lightweight 

All levels welcome. Everyone gets what they need. Bring workout gear. No contact or sparring, just form-work. 

2 hour workshop: 10 heads max (first come first serve)

$60 + HST 


Hopefully within the next month I’ll be receiving QiBelly T-Shirts, just in time for the holiday season!! 

They were supposed to already be here, but Covid, so ya. 

I’ll be selling them on my website and pick up will be at my studio. Shipping can be arranged, if needed. Stay tuned for more info…

Plus, a few more tidbits…

Starting this Saturday, we will be having the Reiki Share at my studio at 9am. For those of you who are keen, pop me a line. Gorgeous chocolate, tasty tea, and a whole lotta Reiki going on!!

As well, here is a Love Letter I wrote on the month of November. I do hope you enjoy it.

And last but not least, here is my current class schedule.

Thank you for reading. Wishing you well.
