Newsletter: Reporting In


Where do I start?

Well, let’s just skip all the obvious stuff and get right into it.

I’ve been doing my best to adapt at a time where things are falling apart. I don’t mean to be so dramatic, but ya, it’s been weird, for many of us. 

I’m back in my studio. I’m also in High Park a fair bit. I even still have a few Zooms.

Here is my current class schedule.

I have a new website. It’s up and running, but it’s still not complete. We have a few more issues to sort. But now I have an online store!! No more need for email money transfers! Ha!! It’s all in one spot. If you have the time, give the website a look and let me know what you think. 

I got the studio newly painted inside and partially decorated. It’s been a slow go. New street signage and some final touches coming soon…

I’ll be taking a break from Saturday July 24th-31st, a well needed vacation with the fam. I’ll be back at work on Tuesday August 3rd, ready to party. 

I wish each and every one of you well. Thanks for reading. Thanks for taking the time. 
