Bang for the Buck

New Years resolutions come and go like cheap whiskey.

What QiBelly is offering is a concept that will create a solid effect on your persons for months and years to come. I am calling it “The 5 minutes a day challenge.”

By starting out with a designated program, i.e. Meditation, Reiki, QiGong/Tai Chi or Kung Fu (please message me directly for information on Kung Fu), we create a routine that fits nicely into your already well established schedule. No more dread or regret. Just “5 minutes a day” and then you are off to go live your life the way you see fit. These personalized programs offer results that can be measurably assessed within just a few weeks. If you are serious about addressing your health then make the commitment. One month. This is all the time needed to persuade you one way or the other. After one month you will be able to be objective in your assessment: improved mental clarity, stronger immune system, better digestion and sleep patterns, etc.

And to throw in something even better, take advantage of my buy one, get one free Reiki Treatment package. But this offer will expire on the 13th. So if you’re keen, act quickly.

OnGoing Classes

On Saturdays we are continuing with the QiGong & Tai Chi in High Park. I’m offering a discounted rate if you pay for month upfront. $60 for the month, meaning you get one class free. The Saturday class has the discounted offer only on the first Saturday of every month.

On Monday January 9th, we are starting back up at The Institute of Traditional Medicine for our weekly QiGong/Tai Chi class. 6-7:30pm. Drop-ins welcome.

This month’s Reiki Share will be held on Tuesday, January 31st from 7:30-9:30pm.
Reiki practitioners and people new to Reiki are all welcome to join.
Any level of training, any lineage of the Reiki Discipline.

Thank you and have a great month!!