Working for the Weekend

Most of us have been guilty of being somewhere we actually aren’t. Whether it be hating work and longing for the weekend, or worrying about the mortgage as you absently watch your child put their first steps together. More or less we have all experienced being mentally/physically in two different places.

Having the ability to mentally/physically separate and go into different scenarios is a fortunate skill indeed. However the negative consequences that persist when we are unable to maintain our moment can be quite frustrating. Incessant worry. Anxiety. The inability to relax. Comparing our moment to something that is not can wreak serious havoc on our persons.

Yet work still sucks and the kids are great, but the mortgage still needs to be paid. I know. But there is a bigger problem here, and it is the ‘Habit.’

Even when life is good, the ‘Habit’ can be quick to witness the piece that is missing. The more we think about something that is not, the more we reinforce being somewhere else in our head. Here is how we limit our ability to enjoy even the simple pleasures.

The ‘comparison’ or the ‘ideal’ creates preconceived notions of reality that never quite match up.

To compensate for this problematic habit, we need to break everything back down.

Thinking about too much at once can be thematic but it doesn’t need to be. Simple, conscious awareness presents a reality we can sit in and soak up. Physically and mentally in the same place. It’s not about being happy, it’s about being present. Truly embrace your time and allow even the uncomfortable moments into your framework.

More acceptance, less agenda based inclinations.

Everyday cant be Saturday

Reiki Share Tuesday the 24th from 7-9pm at Parkdale Prana Room. Email me to confirm your seat.

QiGong & Tai Chi classes still in full effect every Saturday in High Park. Spring is in the air. Come join us!! However the Monday night class will be on a short break for the remainder of April and will resume May 7th.

Have a great week.