FroZen Fitness

*Adaptability Training*

Put on a big jacket.
Don’t forget your mitts or toque.
And step out into the cold.

Be one with the weather.

The winter months are a time for us to strengthen our immune systems. By learning how to embrace the elements, we can become stronger both physically and psychologically.

In accordance with the seasons, we train to adapt and overcome our vulnerabilities to changes in our environment. In the winter months, that means we practice outdoors. The cold can be intense, but the results speak for themselves.

Along with all the standard effects of strength training, training outdoors in the winter promotes:

Ability to adjust and stay comfortable in the cold and wind.

A stronger, more resilient immune system reducing seasonal illness and recovery time.

Better overall circulation emphasized to the extremities during the cold months.

FroZen Fitness incorporates a variety of Zen, QiGong, Tai Chi & Kung Fu exercises from ancient China to build and regulate Qi according to the Chinese principles of health and longevity.

Take greater control and responsibility for your own health.

Classes held at High Park.

*New Tai Chi & Meditation Classes Offered in Davisville*

Starting next week I am offering a new schedule of classes at “Lifewise Health & Wellness”:

540 Mount Pleasant Rd.
Toronto, Ontario
phone: 416.482.3340

On Mondays from 7:15-8:15pm & Thursdays from 5-6pm I will be offering Tai Chi Classes. On Saturdays from 11am-12pm I will be offering a Moving Meditation Class that will involve Zen, QiGong and Tai Chi exercises.

For more informaiton on the classes contact Lifewise or give me a bell.

Thank you.