QiBelly Meditation – Workshop

For beginners and adepts alike, this 2 hour workshop will break down ancient terminology and put abstract meditative concepts into a more palatable framework.

By placing emphasis on results, we can objectively critique our practice to determine if what we are practicing is actually having a positive effect on our well-being.

As little as 5 minutes a day, practiced consistently throughout the week, can have a tremendous effect on your health.

During this course, we will cover:

  • The importance of posture
  • Mindful breathing techniques
  • Various positioning and environmental backdrops

The theme of this workshop is simplicity. Simple, effective techniques that create balance.

Create your Zen.

We only have a few seats left for this workshop, so if you are keen to book your seat, act fast.

Pricing: $50 + HST

Click here to reserve your spot.