QiBelly Quickie – 5 Minute Meditation & Qigong Exercises

I wanted to put out a video for people who are interested in meditation, but are challenged by either the nature of it or the time needed to make it happen. Meditation can be vague and abstract and in this short video one can participate and hopefully learn an approach that is practical and most importantly doesn’t take too much time. Obviously the better one gets, the longer they can practice. But for newbies, here is a little something to get the ball the rolling. If you have any questions, feel free to give me a bell.

Equal to the mediation video I just posted, I wanted to make a quick video for those needing some balance and rejuvenation through movement. Breathing, smacking, and relaxing on down, this quick routine is great for those looking for a little pump and then come down before heading out the door for a busy day of work. Keep in mind, much can be accomplished in a short amount of time with proper intention. If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a bell.

Thank you ~ Paul aka QiBelly