Vacation + Workshops + Blog Blast

Summer 2019 Vacation Dates

  • Last day of work Thursday July 18th
  • First day back Thursday August 8th

It’s been an interesting last few months to say the least. Having my teacher, Master Zhang Yu Fei here was absolutely amazing. As well, I briefly got to spend some time with my Japanese Reiki teacher, Inamoto Hyakuten Sensei. What a month! Not to mention all the hoopla now that summer is in full bloom. So, a few announcements…

Workshop announcements

In September we are going to offer ‘Refresher Courses’ to all of those who participated in the Master Zhang Workshop Series last month. Same material, same layout, minus Master Zhang. 

September 7th and September 14th. Stay tuned…

Summer Tai Chi in High Park

I put a mailer out to a few of you, but I thought I would extend the invitation here to any of you reading this. Wednesdays at 12pm in High Park. $25 a head. Email me for dates and registration process. Open to beginners as well as advanced. 

Closed Door Tai Chi Class

Again a few of you already know about this, but it’s worth the reminder here. This is gonna be a monthly Tai Chi class for advanced students (invite only) that have interest in becoming an Official Lineage Bearer in our Hun Yuan Tai Chi Family. Proper invite to go out soon.

The Zhang Episodes

Last but not least, I’ve got some journaling from my time with Master Zhang. I always tell people that I learned the most from my teachers outside of the classroom. And I no doubt got plenty of gems this time round. Here is the first piece…

Episode One: Remaining Relevant

Thank you for reading. Have a fabulous summer!!
