All Twisted Up 2020

Six months in and 2020 has most of us all twisted up inside. COVID-19 + BlackLivesMatter is breeding something our infrastructure isn’t willing or able to handle.

It’s heavy ####. But it’s our ####. These are not other people’s problems. One boat, one concept. It’s high time we choose to see what we previously chose not to see.

This continuous string of global events over the past few years isn’t coincidental. Our blind spots are being exposed. There is no room for complacency here. Fear is freezing too many of us in our tracks. Courageously we must move into the unknown. One steady intelligent step at a time.


I’m back in Parkdale. I’m back in the parks too. But I’m still using Zoom a fair bit.

For those interested in booking at the studio, I’m only offering privates at this time. Before booking, please ensure you aren’t experiencing any possible COVID symptoms. Physical distancing will be implemented as well as the use of face masks. Clients are encouraged to bring their own face mask. I will leave 30 minutes between each client giving me time to sanitize the space as well as avoid overlap.  Please arrive on time to your appointment and don’t arrive early. Hand sanitizer will be provided before and after each session. Contactless payment is preferred.

In High Park and Greenwood Park, I’m offering private and group classes. Group classes will be limited to 4 people per class. I’m hoping to resurrect our Tai Chi Nooner in High Park on Thursdays. If you are interested in this class, please let me know. Based on the limited number of people per class, I will charge $25 per person for these small group classes.

My weekly Zoom classes for Happy Hour Guided Meditations and the Saturday QiGong and Tai Chi classes remain the same. And obviously this also applies to our twice a month Reiki Shares and Advanced Tai Chi classes.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Thank you for reading.
